Scan Process

The operating procedure of the scan circuitry is as follows:

1. Enable the scan operation to allow shifting (to initialize scan cells).

2. After loading the scan cells, hold the scan clocks off and then apply stimulus to the primary inputs.

3. Measure the outputs.
4. Pulse the clock to capture new values into scan cells.
5. Enable the scan operation to unload and measure the captured values while simultaneously loading in new values via the shifting procedure (as in step 1).

Mentor Tool Tips

  • In the session transcript, you can re-execute a command by triple-clicking the left mouse button on any portion of the command, then clicking the middle mouse button to execute it
  • You can repeat a command by double-clicking on the command in the command transcript.
  • You can place a command on the command line for editing by clicking once on the command in the
    command transcript.
  • Most DFT product commands follow the 3-2-1 minimum typing convention. That is, as a short cut, you need only type the first three characters of the first command word, the first two characters of the second command word, and the first character of the third command word. For example, the DFTAdvisor command Add Nonscan Instance reduces to “add no i” when you use minimum typing.
  • When you issue commands with very long argument lists, you can use the “\” line continuation character.
  • You can run UNIX operating system commands within DFT applications by using the System command eg: – prompt> system ls
  • To interrupt the invocation of a DFT product and return to the operating system, enter Control- C. You can also use the Control-C key sequence to interrupt the current operation and return control to the tool.